Rebuilding My Home

Arthur Booc is a 67 year old man who lives in Sitio Talisay, Canomay Claveria, Masbate Philippines. He is a Secretary of Senior Citizens in their barangay and an elder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He has no permanent work because he takes care of his wife who is suffering from kidney failure

Arthur lived in a house that had seen many battles with past typhoons and had many scars to prove it. He shared that household repairs weren’t done because buying his wife’s medicine was his priority and his income from selling potholders and raising chicken and goats weren’t enough to do both. His children already had their own families and are not able to help him take care of their mother but they would sometimes send money when they could.

When Typhoon Tisoy hit, it was a lot stronger than the previous storms because it completely destroyed his house, causing him to loose not just his house but his livestock as well. Arthur was distraught. He didn’t know what to do… where to start. But he never stopped praying.

The local government promised to provide some cash assistance to help them rebuild, but while waiting, an elder of the church approached him if he and his wife would want to stay with the elder and the elder’s family while waiting for the cash assistance. Arthur was grateful for the offer but he knew it would be difficult to live someone’s home because of his wife’s situation. So he decided to build a small house near the sea where they could live, even if they didn’t have any equipment that they could use from previous home.

It was there where the ADRA volunteers found them, bringing the household and shelter repair kits which was funded by the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Arthur is very grateful for the assistance he and his wife received because he received much needed equipment that will help him in not only rebuilding his home but also increase the ways he could earn an income.  

He continues to make potholders to sell. But because they now live beside the sea, he is now praying for a small fishing boat. He is hopeful because he knows that nothing is impossible with God.