Project VIPER (Vulnerability and Impact Reduction to Earthquake), a consortium between Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), Humanitarian Leadership Academy (HLA), and the Provincial Government of Cavite – Office of Public Safety (PG-COPS), organized a consultation workshop last March 12, 2018 at the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR), Biga, Silang, Cavite to introduce the “One Cavite Humanitarian Coordination” (OCHO) Model to twenty-five (25) representatives of different Civil Service Organizations (CSO), Non-Government Organizations (NGO), Local Government Units (LGU), Faith-based Organizations, and the Academic institutions.
Diosdado Waña, HLA Director, welcomed the participants. Geraldine Gutierrez, ADRA Disaster Risk Reduction Specialist, introduced Project VIPER to the attendees, while Mark Cervantes, HLA Disaster and Resilience Manager, gave the presentation of the OCHO model, while answering questions from the the attendees asking for clarification regarding some details, and giving their own suggestions on how to make it better. Maeanne Llanzo, HLA Communications Officer, then gave a brief report of the table-top simulation organized by UN Office for Coordination of Human Affairs (UNOCHA) for the 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Metro Manila.
The attendees were then asked to create an inventory of their organizations’ assets that could be contributed to the coordination model. They were given fifteen minutes to write down their contributions and post them in the board provided, under the categories of 1) Camp Coordination and Camp Management; 2) Protection; 3) Food and Non-food Items; 4) Search, Rescue, and Retrieval; 5) Logistics, Health (Health, WASH, Nutrition in Emergency, MHPSS); 6) Emergency Telecom; 7) Debris Clearing and Civil Works; and 8) Open Spaces. They were also asked to specify if their organization was already accredited by the local government.
They were then divided into 4 clusters: the CSO/NGOs, LGUs, Faith-based Organizations, and Academic institutions; and were asked for their specific commitments in informing their organizations about the coordination model: the strategy/activity they would use, when they would do it (timeframe), and what support they would need from the Consortium.
After the activity Tadeo Sagritalo from the Office of Civil Defence (OCD) Region IVA gave his appreciation and informed all the attendees that he would be including their output in the OCD’s Contingency Plan for Region IVA. Trixia Flores, Public Relations Officer of the Provincial Government of Cavite Office of Public Safety (PG-COPS) also gave some closing remarks and words of appreciation to end the program.
After the program, Mark Marcial, the President of the Federation of the Deaf Cavite Province (FDCP) shared his appreciation to the consortium for being invited. “It was first time for FDCP to represent the Deaf community in this consultation. We are very glad to meet with different government agencies, educational institutions, religious organizations, civil service organizations and other non-government organizations. FDCP believes in having strong relationships because we share one community and should have no barriers. I learned alot about the possible 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Cavite and FDCP should prepare to help alert the deaf community about these hazards. I am very glad to see that the organizers are aware about deaf culture, identity and language for Deaf. I was also happy to share my knowledge in correct terminology to use when addressing us (Deaf).
Pastor Alonesto Regio, the representative of the Adventist Community Services (ACS) also shared that the program was a “very timely gathering for all who have the heart and passion to community service. Regardless of religious affiliation, this consultation showed that we could work hand and hand for the betterment of the people in the community. As our (ACS) mission statement stipulates ‘serving the community in Christ name’.”
The other organizations that were present were:
CSO/NGO Coalition Inter-Faith Values Formation, Inc.
Adventist Community Services (ACS)
Federation of the Death Cavite Province, Inc.
International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR)
Konpederasyon ng Maralitang Tagalunsod / Rural sa Cavite (KMTRC)
Brgy. 1 Kasuyo OFW’s Association
Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)
Humanitarian Leadership Academy (HLA)
LGU Cavite Association of Disaster Risk Reduction Officers (CADRReMO)
Provincial Government of Cavite – Office of Public Safety (PG-COPS)
Faith-based Diocese of Imus
Academe: Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS)
Adventist University of the Philippines (AUP)